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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tablecloth Quilt

A while back I made THIS quilt for a friend and liked it so much I decided to make one just like it for us to keep. I initially planned on displaying it folded on our quilt chest, but as I was sewing it together at my kitchen table I realized how cool it would look as a tablecloth. And I am thrilled with the result. Probably not the most economical tablecloth I could have chosen considering I had it professionally quilted, but it makes me so happy. Sometimes splurges are okay, right?


Jen said...

I just love when beloved items get regular use instead of being hidden away and mostly forgotten. Awesome!

Sally F said...

I agree with Jen. It's so great to actually use something you love, and feel that joy you get from it. Beautiful!

Abbi said...

So YOU. And I agree with Jen and Sally, live it up! :)

Michelle Pyne said...

That quilt is a deal when divided by the joy it will elicit every time you look at it! Great job!