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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My little doll

Today Summer got to play the bells during the church service at the Lutheran church where she goes to pre-school. I used it as an opportunity (excuse) to dress her up. And she let me! (Every once in a while I get an idea in my head of something that I want to make for my girls. But they all have definite opinions of what they do and do not like-- and quite often my ideas are squashed. But it's SO FUN when they agree to be my dolls and let me dress them up.) I made her dress using one of my favorite patterns (actually a nightgown pattern, Simplicity 3938) and I was so tickled with how it turned out.I think she liked it, too, because she kept dancing around in front of the mirror when I was trying to curl her hair. :)


Audra said...

It is just darling! You did a fantastic job!

Tonya said...

Summer is adorable! So, your a seamstress huh? I'm a wannabe one. I would love to know how to sew my kids a dress or skirt or jammies. One day I will get in the mood and learn. Her dress is lovely. Nice job Momma!

Tonya said...

Oh, and about the white night gowns. My girls dance teachers are a mom and daughter duo that are extremely talented in the gift of sewing, so they were hand made. SORRY! But you could probably make them. You have skillz:0)

Elaine said...

Cute cute cute, I remember when I wanted to do my girls hair and they wouldn't let me but I have a few of the dresses I made them and now their kids are using them as dress-up. I can't imagine doing it with 5.

Michelle Pyne said...

She is a little Christmas girl! It is a rare occasion that what you have in mind and what they will accept are the same. We will enjoy every minute!

Shana said...

Oh wow!! Good job!! She is sooooo cute! You are so amazing!