About Me

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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

25 words or less

Here is the challenge: describe yourself in 25 words or less- kind of like your own personal ad-complete with self-portrait. (I got the idea from "According to Kelly").

Here is what I came up with:

Mormon. Mother of Five. Girls. Quilt loving. Red lipstick wearing. Primary Pres. Juvenile fiction reading. Early morning running. Afghan crocheting. Good old-fashioned country girl.

(My passport photo.)
Now it's your turn! Either leave your personal profile in my comments section or post it on your blog. I'm excited to see what everyone writes!!


Jenny said...

Wow! Five girls! How fun...we have 3. Fun to read your 25 word summary of yourself. I did it too. It is challenging to sum yourself up in so few words.

Audra said...

Ok, I'll try and do it cause it was fun reading yours!

McKenna said...

Heres what I came up with:

oldest child; mormon; computer games; art; writer; pop music; fashion; painting nails; dressing pretty; student; flexible; green eyes; yarn; smart; sweet; pretty; nice; friends; sleep

Michelle Pyne said...

How fun! What a wonderful person you are! I'm impressed. I like McKenna's too! I'm so fortunate to have daughters and granddaughters like you!

Lydia said...

ladybug; blue eyes; fast runner; crushed ice; talker; smart; likes to play; popcycles & popcorn; loves family; money; flexible; Chloe helper; music; watches TV

kelly said...

yeah! & how do you do it all? holy cow! you are one busy busy busy girl. and 5 girls? heavens! i'm worried about having just one, but 5?! & i can't wait to try your bread recipe. yum! yum!

Chris said...

Adorable picture Jessi!!! And I believe your list could go on and on and on. You're a wonderful wife and mother, daughter and niece, sister, friend, aunt, cousin etc..you're so talented too.