Every once in a while I feel pressure to enroll my kids in a lot of extra-curricular activities. McKenna and Lydia take piano lessons and Summer and Emily are in dance class, but the rest of the time they PLAY. And I think that's the way childhood should be. Lately McKenna and Lydia's main hobby has been "exploring" the woods near a creek by our house. They have spent hours and hours down there in their own little fairy-land. They build bridges and dams, jump across the creek, find walking sticks, and PRETEND they are explorers, castaways, or magic creatures. They also hunt for frog eggs.
While I was gone they collected a bunch of frog eggs and put them in our backyard in a baby pool. I'm not sure what damage they have done to the eco-system. But, for the sake of childhood memories I haven't had the heart to ruin the fun.
Because when they are 30 and looking back at their childhood, I'm pretty sure collecting frog eggs will be one of the experiences they remember.
Kelsey and Mary-Kate have been doing the same thing minus the frog eggs. They have spent hours in their new land they call it Bello...it is fun to see them being kids and using their imaginations. Kids grow up to fast now days.
I hope you have a new batch of tabpoles in a few weeks! This is a great science lesson! And I'm pretty sure its good for the environment!!
I don't know if I could bring myself to touch that. That's neat that they found them though. John and I are actually toying with the idea of moving to Georgia..maybe our kids will be doing that too!
You are offering your girls such a beautiful gift in a carefree and nature-filled childhood.
I think the boys would LOVE that!
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