About Me

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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Font addict

My good friend Sally just blogged about the coolest website where you can make fonts out of your own handwriting. So, guess what I have been doing all afternoon? Yep, making fonts. It's addicting. Every once in a while I go on a font-downloading binge and this is even worse because you are not just limited to what's out there. You can create your own fonts and the possibilities are endless! Now each of my children (except Chloe of course) have a font with their own handwriting.

(This does make me wish I had better handwriting. But, even as boring as my handwriting is it's pretty awesome to be able to type it on the computer!!!) If you make your own and don't mind sharing, e-mail me your scanned template so I can have your font, too!


Emma said...

I did it too, thanks to Sally. Now my boys want to do it too. It's kind of fun!

Sally F said...

It is so addicting isn't it? And what a precious keepsake for the girls!

I'll email you mine. Can I get yours? Your handwriting is great!

Michelle Pyne said...

What will they think of next??? I'm going to have to call and talk with you so you can explain the details to me. So this means you can type a letter in your own handwriting??

Unknown said...

I just blogged on this and then saw your post. I haven't had time to sit and do mine like you have but, I did Kelsey's and it is so fun! I want to get a better marker to do mine...I have different handwriting depending on the mood I'm in! It will be interesting to see what mine looks like!

Caytee said...

How funny that you just posted that. I just got my font back today. Ha ha! I love it!

Audra said...

That's so cool!

Michelle said...

Okay, that has got to be one of the coolest things ever! Can't wait to do it!

Abbi said...

How fun!

Elaine said...

I don't get it???

rachel said...

I love that you did this with your girls. This is now on my to do list.