Since being pregnant with Chloe I have had a renewed sense of awe and appreciation for my body. When I look at Chloe I am amazed at what my body was able to create. Pregnancy was hard, and I didn't appreciate it at the time, but looking back I realize how hard my body worked and what an awesome job it did carrying and sustaining this new little life. And since Chloe has been born I've been through the ups and downs of adjusting to motherhood (again) and its toll on my body. Initially I was discouraged because it didn't look the way I wanted it to. I was (and still am) bigger and softer. But as the weeks have passed I've felt my body grow stronger and more mobile. And I am so excited by the fact that I can really move again and can challenge my body to work in ways it hasn't for a while. I'm also learning to appreciate all of the ways my body blesses me. My eyes allow me to see Chloe's smiles. My ears allow me to experience the joy of hearing my kids sing and laugh. My nose is sensitive to the scents of good food, my baby after her bath, and the spicy outdoors. My arms can hug and squeeze my husband. My legs carry me wherever I want to go. And my hands.... I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for my hands! When I look at my body with this perspective the few extra pounds I carry is meaningless. My body is PERFECT. And I am so grateful for it.
About Me

- Jessi
- Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.
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I love your attitude. That is a great perspective to have. BTW, Happy late birthday!
Wow, I really needed to read this right about now!! I need to be more grateful about my body and how my body is creating this sweet little being! It really is amazing and you are beautiful no matter what! I think you are even more beautiful after having 5 beautiful baby girls. Way to Go Jessi!!! :)
Thanks Jessi for that. Dealing with the post-baby body myself, I needed thus perspective. Thank you!
What a beautiful post. I want to copy these words and turn them into an email to forward to all my friends! I wish everyone could have this perspective and understanding. You are so smart.
This post reminded me of the summer I took care of Tami, a paraplegic. During that time I was so grateful for my body! I remember scrubbing a floor on my hands and knees during this time and thinking, "Oh my gosh!! I am so grateful I can do this!!" It's good to step back every once in a while and realize how good you really do have it.
Thank you for the reminder to value and appreciate our bodies. What a blessing life is - every experience is a gift to value and learn from.
I can learn a lot from you. I've hated the way I've looked since being pregnant. My metabolism is all out of whack and I'm having the hardest time losing the baby weight. But I should be thankful for it in a way. Without it I wouldn't have Connor.
I can't remember if I've left a comment on your blog before, but I have been reading it for awhile now (I am a former Romania friend of Abbi's-- I linked here from her site one day), and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate this post.
My little boy is 16 months old and I lost the weight I gained during pregnancy within a few months, but it has taken me longer to come to terms with the parts of my body that will never be the same (stretch marks, nursing breasts... you know... those things). Even though those things are so superficial, I have been guilty of wishing them away. But recently I have had thoughts like yours in this post. My body is a miracle and those stretch marks are the evidence of it! Thank you so much for this reminder-- I fear I will probably need it again before too long :).
By the way, you are beautiful and you look amazing. And your girls are all darling, too.
This is a great post, and you'll need to remind me of this after our little one is born in April.
This is a great reminder!
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