4 cups fresh baby spinach
2 cups green grapes
1 ripe banana
1 cup apple juice
Combine in a blender and puree until smooth. (2 servings)
I know it looks a little bit icky, but I PROMISE it is delicious (and super good for you).
I know it looks a little bit icky, but I PROMISE it is delicious (and super good for you).
Posted by
1:04 PM
Are you sure this is good?! I don't know if I could get past the spinach. Do you use fresh spinach or canned? Popeye would probably really like this : ) I would be willing to try it though. Thanks for sharing.
Dani, I updated the recipe for you. It calls for fresh baby spinach. And to be honest, I could hardly taste the spinach. It was mostly banana & apple flavor.
I will totally try it!
Wow, what a great way to eat your spinach! I'm sure its better than eating a cookie! Thanks for the recipe!
I will have to see someone else eat it before I dare!
I'm going to try it. I always put together strange combo's and I like them. THis looks good even. Also, thanks for your book suggestions, I have read a couple you mentioned so I'll look into the others.
I don't know about the spinach. I like spinach, but usually not in liquid form. I think I could be brave enough to try it though if someone else made it and offered me a taste. Maybe I'll be a my mom's when she makes it.
I think I'm going to make this once green grapes get a little less expensive...I'll let you know if Chad tries it too! :)
This looks soooo yummy!!! I can't wait to try it! Thank you for the recipe!!!!
Jessi, I totally thought that was a picture from a magazine or off the internet. But now that I see the chipped glass, I see that it IS yours! I'm really impressed!
If you make that again, I would try it, but I don't think I would think to make a spinach, banana drink on my own!
oh, and where do you find this stuff? The recipe, I mean.
OOOHHH yummy. It looks like the Dr. Oz drink. Great way to get the spinache into your body. I'll have to try it.
Sorry, but...ewwwww!!!!!
I have to admit, though, even though looking at it grosses me out completely...I'm curious.
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