I have never been inclined to use cuss words. Even when I was angry my mind didn't go there. But of late I have been sorely tempted to swear. Not the really bad words, just d--- and h---. Sometimes they just seem to be the right word for the situation. I have yet to really let them fly, but I really WANT to. I think it might make me feel better.
About Me

- Jessi
- Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Potty mouth
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9:27 AM
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You make me laugh.
You are so funny. Just let it rip, then you'll realize that it wasn't that great!!!
When I was coming in with the girls from school today, I hit the stupid pole thing that protects the water heater in the garage with my fairly new car. Well, I let one fly...and my girls were dumbfounded. I felt horrible, so don't do it!!! :) (As if you would!)
Anyway, you were following me the other day to pick up the little kids and I was waving like crazy, but you didn't see me!!!
I don't think d**** and h*** are that bad.
But they do sound bad coming out of child's mouth. :)
I tried it once and it made me feel worse, not better. But 'cussarutzafrutz' is very effective in releasing emotional turmoil. You could try that one.
It doesn't make you feel any better and then it's easier to do it next time. Certain words have come to my mind too when I least expect it. Words I've never used before. It's so random. I don't know what's up with that.
I sometimes slip with the s___ and D words because that's what dad would say when something went wrong with the tractor or something usually outside on the farm. So I thought it was a right of passage and one time when I was about 18 I swore in front of Dad almost proud like and he let me know that It was NOT an adult thing and that no one not even him should swear. Hold your tongue or you'll get a mouth full of soap!!!!
Hey Jessi, remember me? Dani? We were in Young Women's together and went to the same highschool. Check ot my blog sometime. Anyway, I like your mom's idea. Think of a nonsense word. It feels good to let your emotions out and even better that you didn't swear! I like to say "Shahuli"! or any long word with lots of interesting sounds- it just feels good. I'm no angel but I do try and the nonsense word idea has really helped!
I have "suck a duck" and "that blows goats" that I always say. I don't know that they'll help, but you can try. :)
LOL, You make me laugh Jessi! Well, what I do is every time I feel like I am going to wreck or slide in the snow or whatever while I am driving I say the S word. Well, Brayden will say, "Mom! That is a bad word!" I always say, "I know, Bad MOM! That was really bad and I am going to be in big trouble for saying it!" That is one word that slips out when something bad is going to happen while I am driving. I am surprised BRayden has never said that word. I need to be more careful!!!
I know what you mean. I don't have much advice, other than to agree with the things everyone else has said. But I have to say, I think saying the d or h words is pretty low on the list of bad sins you could commit, so don't feel too bad about yourself. :)
I vividly remember my mother swearing only two time in my childhood. It was tramatic. I am with the don't do it crowd. 20/20 on Friday was devoted to dealing with anger. They said that venting doesn't work. They also said keeping it in doesn't work. To be honest I am not sure I remember what they said works. I have also noticed myself thinking swear words lately. Thanks to this blog, I feel normal now.
Jessi - here's my two cents. Bad words are words that society deemed bad but they are just words and I am with you - sometimes the word just fits the situation but that's only because society deemed %^&*(insert word of your choice here) inappropriate. Not sure if that's a correct way of looking at it but that's how I looked at it. I agree with everyone else that coming from a child it takes on a totally different meaning but again that's because we as a society have deemed some words as bad words. When you say Sugar instead of the other word everyone knows what you meants but saying sugar is accepted while the other word isnt'. I think if you let one slip once in while it's OK - your pretty perfect in a lot of other areas :-)
The one time I let the d*** word fly, both my kids were saying it the next day. It broke my heart to hear my precocious two year old, but when the school teacher called to announce that Nathan let one fly in kindergarten it was horrible. I'm sure she thought that words must grace us often, rather than a single time the kids will never ever ever forget. So I'd say not worth it. Words are just words, but if you can choose one that leaves less of an imprint - I'd do it. Plus, you didn't grow up hearing those words so don't even let them in.
I call it "think-swearing". Sometimes when I'm really mad my husband will go, "Are you think-swearing?" and I say, "You know it!"
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