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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Rainbows and Butterflies

There is a line in Jane Eyre that resonates with me every time I read it. In describing Jane, St. John says, "...your tastes lean to the ideal." He might as well have been describing me also. I have had a very blessed life and aspire to the "ideal", and I spend a lot of time and energy orchestrating my life so it does feel ideal. I plant flowers, encourage my children to get along, drink in the beauties of nature, try to keep things tidy, and I pray and count my blessings. I focus on the positive (the rainbows and butterflies) and truly enjoy LIFE. But sometimes I get grumpy. And when I am grumpy I feel guilty. Because I am so blessed I feel like I should never have cause to feel anything but happy. Even trials are a blessing, right?

So, here is my question: How do you deal with the disparity between what you KNOW and how you FEEL??? Is it okay to be grumpy (usually for no good reason) every once in a while?


MiandMiksmom said...

Four new posts...how exciting! I cannot tell you how much I understand the "guilty grumps." I think I posted about the exact same thing awhile back, and I have no answer. I know I am happy, but sometimes I get grumpy too.

Congratulations on your new calling...you will be SO good with all your creativity and personality! You will find a way to reach those in need...you always do!

I love your library post. I literally have over a 1000 books in boxes in my crawl space from my teaching days. I always dreamed of having a young adult library where the neighbors could come over an borrow a book and when my kids were old enough they could start on one side and not stop until they've finished them all. Well, after two years of picking up books that got yanked off the shelf to build towers, I boxed them up. I probably just need to find a good home for them.

Michelle Pyne said...

I think that we should expect to feel grumpy for no good reason. That's all a part of this temporal experience. That's part of the struggle of life! We should expect it, but we should fight against our grumpiness and try to lift our spirits, by doing service, by working hard, by focusing on other's needs, by remembering the Savior. Life is always a battle!

Kimberlie said...

This made me think of this artice I read recently how throughout the month our hormone levels are fluctuate. So 2 out of the 4 weeks of our cycles we don't feel like thinking about Rainbows and Butterflies! Essentially we can just feel grumpy! I had to laugh, because some days I just want to dig a hole and crawl in and I don't want to hear the word, mom! You do a great job at focusing on the positive. One reason I love reading your blogs :)

Kimberlie said...

sorry for the typo's. I couldn't figure out how to edit it after the fact.