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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Friday, February 10, 2012

McKenna the Horse Rider

For the last few months McKenna has taken hoseback riding lessons from David's sister, Rebecca. She LOVES it. And she apparantly has some natural talent for it. (Who knew riding horses was a talent!) This is a whole new world for me, and I think it is pretty cool.

Here is McKenna "tacking up." She does it all by herself.

This is my sister-in-law's barn and riding ring. McKenna rides a sweet, calm pony named Cookie. Seeing the other horses training in the ring is a big of a rush. They are such beautiful, powerful animals.

Here is McKenna trotting. Well, I guess technically the horse is doing the trotting, but you know what I mean.

McKenna and Cookie. 

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