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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer's watercolor handprint

One of the coolest thing about being a parent is seeing your children develop into unique individuals. It's fun to see their natural talents emerge. At church on Sunday, Summer's class made handprints to give to their dads for Father's Day. Just a plain handprint wasn't quite good enough for Summer. So she got out the watercolors and spruced it up. And I think the end result is so cool! Maybe I'm biased, but I think she has an amazing eye for color and design. She never just colors a picture in the traditional way-- her pictures are always a little abstract and bursting with color. I'm curious to see how this talent will translate in the future. I know that as parents we are supposed to shape and guide our children, but sometimes I think it's good to just step back and watch what they can do.


Michelle Pyne said...

You are right. Summer's pictures are always so very colorful. Her Father's Day handprint is amazing! It looks like it belongs in an art museum.

Abbi said...

I completely agree--that girl has got some serious talent! In fact, one of her paintings resides on our fridge right now and has for a while. It's so pretty, I can't get myself to take it down!