About Me

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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tried and True

Every Christmas we make our neighbors a little plate of goodies. This year I decided to try some new recipes. What was I thinking? I ended up with one totally successful batch of Bavarian Mints (one of my all-time favorite recips) and three other things that were only moderately successful. Sorry to our neighbors. I think everything was at least edible, but now I know that when it comes to holiday treats....stick with the tried and true!


Jen said...

Have you ever posted that mints recipe? I'd love to see it!

Michelle Pyne said...

They all look good to me. I bet your neighbors will enjoy it all. You are so nice to go to all the effort of making treats for the neighbors!

Mckenna said...

You did such a great job, but my favorite was the caramel! I beg you to make that more often.

Chris said...

I'm affraid I would have eaten it all myself! Looks so yummy.