About Me

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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lydia is NINE!!

Favorite colors: blue, purple, and bright orange

Favorite Things to Do: play with friends; watch TV

Favorite Foods: spaghetti (without sauce), potato soup, mashed potatoes

Likes About Herself: "I can be a good example."

Favorite Chore: taking care of Chloe

Friends: McKenna, Kelsie, Alyse, Alyssa

Want to be when Grow Up: "a regular Mom like you"

Favorite Music: pop-- Justin Bieber

Happy Birthday, Lydia!!!


Topsy said...

I think she is going to discover, when she grows up, that you are anything but a 'regular' mom.

Shana said...

She is so cute!! What a pretty girl!! And how sweet she wants to be a regular mom like you! :) haha, but so far from just regular!! You are amazing!! :) Hope you guys have a great Christmas!