I've been sitting here for the last five minutes trying to figure out how to summarize my half-marathon experience and I can't quite get the words. It was one of the most pointed object lessons I've ever had and I learned so much.
For example, all week the forecast predicted rain and I did NOT want to run in the rain. I prayed and prayed that the Lord would stop the rain. But just as the race began it started to pour. And it continued to pour for the first four miles or so. We got soaked. My prayer was not answered the way I wanted. But clear as clear, the message came to my mind that the Lord would be with me in the rain. He would not remove the trial, but He would help me through it.
Another poignant moment was when I saw my family waiting for us near the finish line. The entire race my sisters and I motivated ourselves by envisioning the finish line. I imagined my husband and little girls there waiting for us and could picture their faces. At about 12.5 miles I started to burn out. We'd run a steady pace the entire race--had even run some of the later miles faster than we did at the beginning-- and I didn't know how much longer I could keep up the pace. But Audra saw the finish line and encouraged us forward. When I saw my family cheering for us at the end it almost overwhelmed me. We were finished! We had accomplished our goal and they there to celebrate as we came "home."
And I can't describe how awesome it was having the entire experience with my sisters. We trained together from the beginning and crossed the finish line together. They are my best friends and I am so, so grateful for their constant help, support, and encouragement. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather run with.
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