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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Girl Dad

Most mornings David is responsible for getting Emily out of bed and dressed for school. (I get up to do their hair and have prayer.) Getting Emily ready is not an easy task because she is not a morning person and is terribly picky about her clothes. In order to expedite things David usually pulls two or three outfits from the closet and lets her choose from those. This morning my heart melted when I saw the outfits he chose.....

Valentine themed outfits for her Valentines party at school today! Even though he is MAN to the core, David makes such a good girl Dad!


Topsy said...

yes he does.

Abbi said...

David is a good man!!

Shana said...

That is so cute! :) He is a great daddy to his girls! Love it!

Audra said...

Daddys with their girls is one of my very favorite things to see. So so so so so cute and it makes me like Dave even more than I already do!

Unknown said...

I'm glad I'm not the only MOM that let's Daddy get up with the kids in the morning. I only wish my husband would pay a little more attention to what his children pick out to wear and that they actually matched! I'm impressed!

Elaine said...

Men of girls are very special. It takes alot to deal with all the female hormones flying everywhere.

Michelle Pyne said...

Sure sign of a wonderful Dad! I'd hang on to that one if I were you