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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I'm kind of hopeless when it comes to giving gifts. I want so badly to give people exactly what they want that I almost always end up either telling them what I got or asking for very specific recommendations. (Or sometimes both!) (i.e.,"I was thinking of making you a quilt. Do you want a quilt? If you do, what color and pattern do you want ?) I personally like surprises, but I'd rather get what I want than be surprised.

Do you like surprises? or

Would you rather give input and make sure you get exactly what you want?


rachel said...


Sally F said...

For me it depends on who it's from, and what their tract record is like. If someone, in the past, has "gotten" who I am, and what I'm about, I'm thrilled to be surprised. If not, I would rather give them a little direction, although I only would do that if asked.

Dani said...

I'm with Sally! She said it perfectly.

Natalie said...

I love surprises!

Emma said...

My husband is great at surprising me with thoughtful gifts. I love it. However, I am horrible at surprising him, but he doesn't mind telling me exactly what he wants, and then I know he'll like what I give him.

Jen said...

Especially with quilts I like surprises and surprising because I think the gift has more of the giver in it if she chooses all the fabrics, details, etc. Even if it's not something I would have chosen, I like the variety and the reminder of the friend. That's just me, though.

I'm same as Emma on husband gifts. He has to email me a link.

Kate said...

Both! That means they have to get me 2 gifts...haha. :)
I wanted a new camera for Christmas, but Travis told me a long time ago that we weren't getting anything expensive for each other, but when I opened my gift, it was a new camera, and I was totally suprised....so...both!

Michelle Pyne said...

I am frugal, and I don't like to waste money. I am also hard to buy for because I don't even know what I want, let alone other people. So I go for the "tell them and make sure its what they want" strategy. Not fun, but very practical!

Abbi said...

Surprises when it means a beautiful home-stitched afghan and cute homemade bag!! :) You are SO good at giving gifts. I have loved snuggling in that new afghan since Christmas. But I think sometimes you really want a specific thing, and then it's best to tell somebody just what you want. There's a time and a season for both. :)

Elaine said...

I ditto you mom's comment. We must be alike. (that's nice)

Audra said...
