About Me

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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

This takes guts!

Several months ago Oprah did a show about women who never let anyone see them without their make-up. One lady even touched up her lipstick before going to bed every night. Her husband said he had never seen her without make-up. She challenged them to take off their make-up and go 24 hours without it. I also saw a show where Oprah showed before and after pictures of herself getting ready for her "O Magazine" photo shoots. I am personally grateful I was born during a time when make-up was part of the mainstream and not just for floosies, but I also feel like it is important for us to be "real." Beauty can be such a superficial quality I think it is good to sometimes pare down and let people see us as we are. So, here is my own before and after. As one who generally does not go out in public without make-up, this takes guts!




MiandMiksmom said...

Love it! I'm laughing because we just got home from camping and I showered but didn't put an ounce of make up on. My neighbor came over to get his dog and I realized that I must look so different to him! Oh well...I am one of those that will go out without make-up, hopefully not scaring too many people! :)

Anonymous said...

We looked at your pictures first and couldn't figure out what the difference was. We thought maybe it was the light. You look great without makeup, you lucky dog!