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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Never happy

If a mother's happiness is dependant on the mood of her children I don't think I could ever be happy. Right now three of my four girls are crying and the fourth is pouting on the couch.


MiandMiksmom said...

I feel your pain, but I seriously had to giggle a little bit. I could just picture you with those sweet little girls all crying and pouting. Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Kathy Barnes Walker (Pres. Hinckley's daughter) made a similar comment at TOFW that I went to in Columbus, Ohio. She said that she realized that since a mother couldn't be happy unless her children were happy, with 6 children, that she would never be happy again! Your comment also brought to mind in "Sense & Sensibility" where the Mom, Mary Ann, and the youngest daughter all go into their rooms to cry. Some day your memory of 3 out of 4 girls crying will bring laughter, I'm sure!

Audra said...

I love that picture of David and his sad girls. It's a classic!