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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

For the record...

I just have to go on the record saying that I do not think it is okay for married men or women to hang out with people of the opposite sex unless it is done in couples. Marriage is the most important relationship and it is worth taking extra precautions to safeguard against any possible intrusions. I obviously don't think that just be being friends in social situations will automatically lead to an affair, but I feel like it is wise to set up definite boundaries so any possible temptation can be avoided. If you are never alone with another man or woman then no infidelity is possible. David and I discussed these feelings when we were engaged and I believe it's one factor that has kept our marriage strong. We both know what is appropriate and work hard to never come close to those boundaries.

1 comment:

MiandMiksmom said...

very true...I would like to think that it would/could never happen, but it happens so often to people that it really is better to avoid all temptation.