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Mom of five lovely daughters, wife of one dashing man. Born in Utah, grew up in Oregon, live in Georgia.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Choice and Consequence

Right now it is almost 1:00am and I can't sleep because I am SICK to my stomach. No, it's not the flu. I am suffering the consequences of eating way too much. This afternoon I came home and after listening to the kids fuss for a while I grabbed my book and bag of Hershey mini candy bars and retreated to my room. Before I knew it I had finished two chapters and 10 mini candy bars (a typical "serving" is 5). Then I made dinner, which consisted of hamburgers (garden burger for me), chips, guacamole, and baked beans. YUM. I couldn't resist. So now I am paying for my lapse of self control and better judgment with a multitude of unpleasant sensations. I don't think it would be so bad except that I have also fallen off the exercise band-wagon and I feel emotionally fat. I don't think my physical form has really changed, but instead of feeling fit and in control I feel "fat." But, as Anne always says, "Tomorrow is a new day without any mistakes in it," so I'll try to do better tomorrow.


Audra said...

I absolutely hate that feeling of "stuffed to the max"! No matter how much I mentally prepare for vacations to have self control, I ALWAYS stuff myself to the max every meal. Ugh, I hate it, but when the fabulous food comes out, I go crazy! I lose control! It is always so nice to get back into the swing of things after vacationing. It just takes one or two days of exercising and eating better and you will feel back to normal!

MiandMiksmom said...

I totally understand....after a day of binging, I tell Dave that I feel fat. It's not that I moved up a pant size or whatever, but I feel blah. He never understands, but you just explained it exactly..."emotionally fat." Now I'll tell him after a day of binging (usually on a box or two of Dots and REAL burgers and fries, "Dave, I feel emotionally fat."

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that! I have empathy!